Longsword/Schlachtschwert usage from mid 16th century onwards

This article has nothing new really to say. It is 100% bouncing off the work of Roger Norling of Hroarr.com . Then why write it?? Because this keeps coming up and it needs to be repeated.

Longswords did not just disappear. Their usage became lesser yes, but they did not just come a plaything the minute 1550 happened.

Some things need to be put up front right now

  1. Longswords were never that widely used period. No where close to what popular fiction would have us believe.

  2. Acknowledging above we do need to also acknowledge that they were used in active warfare. Be it in skirmish, open battle, or siege work you find example of longsword usage.

  3. I say Longsword but it is obvious that some of the swords in the artwork are larger than what we consider Longswords. Various treaties state that the longsword section is aimed to teach any sword you use two hands on. So I am using this as a reason to include.

The following video includes artwork from 1553 to 1680. Most of the pieces are from late 16th century into early 17th century. I included these due to the artist using subjects that happened in their time period without calling back to an earlier time. A large amount of these are parades of some sort. So it can be said that the wearing of the longsword may be ceremonial in nature.

Source of artwork - Hroarr.com

Keith Cotter-ReillyComment